reception table

Tips to choose quality reception table that stays last

Welcome to our blog post on choosing the perfect reception table for your office! The reception area is often visitors’ first impression of your company, so it’s crucial to create a space that exudes professionalism and longevity. 

You’ll want to choose a material that’s durable and easy to clean. A popular option is glass, but you could also go with wood or metal.

 An important factor is style. You’ll want to choose a style that complements the rest of your office furniture and décor.

Consider any special features you might want, such as storage or built-in lighting. 

reception table

Types of Reception Tables to Consider

There are many factors to consider when choosing the perfect reception desk for an office. The most important factor is longevity. Other factors include style, size, and function.

Rectangular reception desks are the most popular choice for offices. They offer a clean, professional look and can be used in various ways. 

Square reception deskare less common than rectangular ones but offer unique benefits. Square tables take up less space than rectangular tables and can be placed in corners or other tight spaces.

Oval reception desk are the least common type but offer advantages over the other two types. Oval tables can make a small space appear larger and are easier to walk around than square or rectangular tables.

Location for Placing the Table in an Office

When choosing a location for your reception desk, there are a few key factors to consider for longevity. First, think about traffic flow. You want to place your table in an area that gets a lot of foot traffic so that it’s visible to potential customers and clients. 

Quality and Durability of the Table

It is important to consider the quality and durability of a reception table before purchasing an office. Reception tables see a lot of use, so choosing one made from high-quality materials that will withstand years of use is important. Look for a table made from solid wood or metal with a sturdy base that can support the weight of the tabletop. The finish should be durable and easy to clean, so it will still look good after years. Remember these factors when choosing a reception table for an office, and you’ll be sure to find one that will last for years to come.

Size of the Table

As anyone in the office furniture industry will tell you, size is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a reception table. The size of the table will dictate how many people can comfortably sit at it and how much space it will take up in the room. It is important to choose a size appropriate for your available space and the number of people you expect to be sitting at it regularly.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when determining the size of your reception table:

-The first thing you need to do is measure the available space. 

-Remember that you will need additional space around the table for people to walk by or for chairs to be pulled out from under the table. 

-Think about how many people you expect to be sitting at the table at one time. 

-If you plan on using the table for events or parties, remember that more people may be sitting at it than on a regular day. Consider getting a larger table or renting one for these occasions.

Style and Design Elements of the Table

When choosing a reception table for an office, several styles and design elements must be considered for longevity. 

The first is the material. 

The next element to consider is the shape of the table. 

Consider the color of the reception table. 

Cost Considerations

Cost is always a key consideration when furnishing an office, and a reception table is no exception. You’ll want to balance quality and price that fits your budget and will last for years.

Once you’ve considered all of these factors, you can narrow your search and find the perfect reception table for your office at the right price.


When choosing the perfect reception table for an office, it is important to remember that quality and longevity should be top priorities. Investing in a good reception table can have many advantages, such as providing a professional atmosphere, accommodating multiple visitors, and increasing staff morale. Consider all these factors when selecting your next reception table, and you will surely find one that will last for years!

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